Easily configure the plugin to accept payments through Stripe with Strong Customer Authentication.
Use native button or attach functionality to your own link, button and menu-item (any <a>-element) using “href” attribute.
Easily style payment button with overall styling settings. Tons of options for any needs.
Plugin generates encrypted download link that is valid for limited time. It’s up to you how long the link is valid.
Host files in secured folder, Media Library (WordPress plugin only) or anywhere on your server.
If necessary, host files in Amazon S3 bucket and generate temporary link to access them.
Download huge files through X-Sendfile mode if mod_xsendfile module installed on your server.
Let your visitors to download some files without payments.
Send custom email notifications to buyer and administrator after successful payments.
Collect statistics of button impressions, payments and downloads for any file for any period.
Easily embed any payment (download) button into 3rd party sites (just copy-paste couple JS/HTML-snippets).
Export all download links, payment transactions and details into CSV-file for further processing.
Plugin is well optimized for better performance. It doesn’t affect the Google PageSpeed Insights score.
(WordPress version only!) Plugin is ready for multisite installation.
(WordPress version only!) Plugin was built according latest WordPress guidelines. No alerts from Plugin Check and WP_DEBUG.
Click the button or link and complete the payment. Downloading start immediately. Use test credit card 4242 4242 4242 4242
with any 3-digits CVC and future expiration date.