Plugin settings are divided into several groups. You can reach them through left-side menu "Green Downloads >> Settings" and clicking relevant tab.
Payment Settings
Set of parameters in this section depends on type of the plugin.
PayPal Parameters
- Email ID. Enter a valid PayPal email ID.
- Sandbox. Use this option to test payments with PayPal sandbox account.
Stripe Parameters
First of all make sure that you created webhook with the URL provided by plugin for event
in your
Stripe Dashboard.
- Publishable Key. Enter valid Publishable Key. Find it on API Keys page in Stripe Dashboard.
- Secret Key. Enter valid Secret Key. Find it on API Keys page in Stripe Dashboard.
- Signing secret. Enter a valid Signing secret for webhook that you created earlier. Find it on Webhooks page in Stripe Dashboard. Click webhook that you created earlier, and find "Signing secret" parameter.
WePay Parameters
- Access Token. Enter valid Access Token. You can find Access Token on the "API Keys" tab of your app dashboard.
- Account ID. Please enter valid Account ID. You can find Account ID on the "API Keys" tab of your app dashboard.
Mailing Settings
Configure mailing parameters if you would like plugin to send user and/or admin notifications in case of successful and cleared payments.
This group of settings consists of 2 sections.
General Mailing Parameters
All email messages sent by plugin use the following parameters for "FROM:" header.
- Sender Name. All messages from the plugin are sent using this name as "FROM:" header value.
- Sender Email. All messages from the plugin are sent using this email address as "FROM:" header value.
User Notification
Plugin can send message about successful payment (and temporary download link) to email address associated with payer's account and provided by payment gateway (if available). This is global settings. You can override these parameters for each file.
- Subject. In case of successful and cleared payment, your customers receive email message about successful payment. This is the subject field of the message.
- Message. This email message is sent to your customers in case of successful and cleared payment. You can use the following keywords:
, {product-title}
, {product-price}
, {product-currency}
, {download-link}
, {download-link-lifetime}
Admin Notification
Plugin can send notification about successful payment (and temporary download link) to certain email addresses.
- Recipient email. Enter email address. All alerts about completed payments are sent to this email address. You can set several comma-separated emails.
- Subject. In case of successful and cleared payment, administrator receives email message about successful payment. This is the subject field of the message.
- Message. This email message is sent to administrator in case of successful and cleared payment. You can use the following keywords:
, {product-title}
, {product-price}
, {product-currency}
, {download-link}
, {download-link-lifetime}
, {transaction-date}
Button Settings
These group of parameters allows you configure native "Buy Now" button.
Button Labels
Configure button label for different button states.
- Label. Enter button label. You can use the following keywords:
, {price}
, {currency}
- Processing label. This label is used while plugin is getting confirmation from payment provider. You can use the following keywords:
, {price}
, {currency}
. - Download label. This label is used when payment successfully completed. You can use the following keywords:
, {price}
, {currency}
Button Style
Configure and preview button style.
- Size. Configure button size: either fixed, or flexible.
- Responsiveness. At what width of the container the button will be stretched to the container width.
- Button text. Adjust the text style (font, color, size, etc.) of the button. You can do it for different button states (normal, hover, active).
- Input background. Adjust the background style of the button. You can do it for different input states (normal, hover, active).
- Input border. Adjust the border style of the button. You can do it for different input states (normal, hover, active).
- Input shadow. Adjust the shadow style of the button. You can do it for different input states (normal, hover, active).
Amazon S3 Settings
You can host files in Amazon S3 buckets. Configure access to bucket in this section.
- Access Key. Please enter Amazon Access Key. Ignore it, if you do not host files on Amazon S3.
- Secret Key. Please enter Amazon Secret Key. Ignore it, if you do not host files on Amazon S3.
- Bucket. Please enter Amazon S3 Bucket. Ignore it, if you do not host files on Amazon S3.
Miscellaneous Settings
General Parameters
- Error messages. Enter error messages for different error states.
- Download link lifetime. Set period of download link validity.
- CSV column separator. Select CSV column separator.
Advanced Parameters
- Cross-domain calls. Enable this option if you want to use cross-domain embedding, i.e. plugin installed on domain1, and button is used on domain2.
- Enable X-Sendfile. Use this option to enable X-SendFile mode to download huge files. Please contact your hosting provider to make sure that mod_xsendfile module installed on your server. Do not activate this option if mod_xsendfile module is not installed.
- Admin menu items. Show or hide menu item "Stats" in Left Side admin menu.